About Us
For more than 15 years, SILENA has been producing and supplying special fasteners (studs for pipe flange connection) from carbon, structural, alloyed, stainless and heat-resistant steels 35, 40Х, 30ХМА, 20ХН3А, 09Г2С, 20Х13, 12Х18Н10Т, 14Х17Н2, 10Х17Н13М2Т, 45Х12Н14В2М, 25Х1МФ, 37Х12Н8Г8МФБ, 18Х2Н4МА.
In addition, we supply special fasteners – studs, nuts, bolts according to the ASME standard.
Also SILENA has been carrying out complex supplies for more than 19 years:
– pipeline valves (gate valves, valves, ball valves, spherical plugs and rotary stems);
– pipeline parts (elbows, reducers, tees, flanges, caps, blinds, supports, sealing joints)
Primarily, the products are intended for enterprises of the petrochemical, chemical metallurgical, fuel and energy complexes, as well as for the needs of housing and communal services.
Since 2009, SILENA has been a regional representative of the Pervouralskyj Zavod Komplektatsyj Truboprovodov (PZKT CJSC, Pervouralsk) – one of the largest manufacturers of pipeline parts (long radius elbows, short radius elbows, tees, blinds, reducers) in the middle Urals.
Since 2018, the establishing of a joint venture with PZKT CJSC ( Pervouralskyj Zavod Komplektatsyj Truboprovodov) –PZKT-SPb LLC